December 5 Workshop

To: Participants registered to the December 5 Workshop of the Canadian Partnership for Public Policy-Oriented Consumer Interest Research (PPOCIR)

You will find below links to documents that form the participants’ package (see bottom of this page) – hard copies will not be distributed at the Workshop, so we encourage you to either download or print copies before attending the workshop.

Important notice: Ryerson University will be providing live streaming of the presentations. This implies that a camera will be in the room to film the event for live streaming on the Internet. The link to access the December 5 live streaming ( will be communicated to targeted audiences:

• The Partnership members, some of whom are unable to travel to Toronto and have asked for this type of access;
• Academic members who have self-identified as working on PPOCIR, under Dr. Kernaghan Webb’s initiative to create an academic research group.

It is possible that these members would share the link with interested colleagues, but the streaming of the presentations will only be available live, during the time of the event. Recordings from the streaming will only be used by the workshop organizers for the purposes of preparing the Workshop report.

Housekeeping notes: We also invite you to review the following housekeeping notes.

Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi will be available in the Workshop room. To connect to Ted Rogers School of Management Wi-Fi:

1. Connect to the wireless network (RYERSON)
2. Type in wireless key (EGGY1)
3. Open a browser (login screen will automatically appear)
4. Enter Username = RUguest2014 and Password = TRSconf34

Washrooms. Washrooms are provided down the hall from the meeting room.

Lunch. Lunch will be served (buffet style) in the meeting room.

Taxis. Taxis can be found directly in front of the Ted Rogers School of Management, where the workshop will be held. Taxis can also reserved in advance to meet people at specific times. Please contact Zaker Khan, the on-site workshop organizing assistant, to arrange this.

Emergency. In the event of an emergency, please use the emergency exits located immediately outside the meeting room.

Participants package: You are invited to download or print the following documents in advance of the Workshop.

Final Agenda


List of Participants


Presenters Bios


Disciplinary survey reports previously circulated to the Partnership members:

Dilip Soman’s “” (English only)
Michael Geist’s “” (English only)